Question # 202 - Roosevelt!

Something that represents A created a lot of trouble for B .What?

Matterhorn(A) in Switzerland is used to represent the popular swiss chocolate Toblerone . Mona Sahlin(B) , who was in running for the prime ministership of Sweden got into an issue known as the Toblerone Affair which lost her the chances of becoming the PM of Sweden. She supposedly used her work credit card for personal use among which were a few Toblerone bars. :)

Cracked by Vineesh and Captain.


Vineesh said...

A. Matterhorn

B. Mona Salin.

You are talking about the Toblerone affair when Mona Salin, proposed prime Minister of Swedan bought private things (among them 2 Toblerones) on her working credit card. She took it to court.

Chandrakant said...

Matterhorn - Mona Sahlin - Toblerone Affair

hadi said...

A is matterhorn.