Question # 45- Art of a different kind

Where would you find these exquisite wall works? ( These are 4 amongst many)

Everyone got carried away by Sistine Chapel huh? Sorry, That's the twist here!
It's from a "mosque"-- the famous Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey

Cracked only by Vigneshwar.



Vigneshwar said...

hagia sophia

Anonymous said...

sistine chapel, i hope :-)


Rithwik K said...

Chetta,Let me hav a guess
Sistine Chapel!!!

shibin azad said...

sistine chapel!![:D]

DD said...

is it from the church of notradame? or sistine chapel?

DD said...

nice blog there dude... keep it running as it is now.... and please remove the word verification thingy,...


thanks DD! :)

Keep commenting and you could run away with some cash prizes!!

Word verification has been removed, I dint notice it! thanks a lot

Happy QUizzing! Rock on! Peace!
