Question # 70 - Biz!

A replaced B as the head of a company X . C is person who is regarded as the father of the city of Y. Apparently, X got its name from the former name of Y .

Solve for the unknown constants! :)



Charles W Goodyear(A) replaced Ho Ching(B) as the CEO of Temasek Holdings(X). C is Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles(C) who is the father of Modern Singapore. Former name of Singapore was Temasek. Ho Ching is the wife of current Singapore Prime Minister as well

Almost cracked by Abhishek(Welcome!) - You get full credits!

- Vikas


abhishek chakraborty said...

A is charles
B is ho ching
x is temasek holdings
c is charles goodyear

Rithu 4 cricket said...

Lenovo and sooo