Daily Question #2

Daily Q #1 shall be open for one more day since I posted it late and posting #2 early since I will be unavailable tomor!!

Identify this man in A who was in the news recently and connect him with the two persons B and C along with identifying them.


this one goes uncracked.... manjith and sreeram got one identification right...
The answers:

A: William Gibson, American Playright

B: Helen keller

C: Golda Meir, Ex Israeli PM

William Gibson is most remembered for his play "Miracle worker" based on the autobiography of Helen Keller called The Story of my life.

His last play was Golda Balcony which was based on the life of former Israeli Pm Golda Meir.

He passed away last week at his home in Massachusets.


Anonymous said...

The third is Golda Meir. The second lady looks familiar.

No clue about the connection

Anonymous said...

C=Golda Meir
The connection eludes me..
