Question #10

Identify the man on the right with Obama . What is his connection with the lady in Pic 2? Pic 3 is a clue to reach the connection! :) . Identify all three, give the connect

Half cracked by Manjith...Good work!

Man on the right is Senator Ted Edward kennedy, brother of John F kennedy.

The lady is Mary Jo Kopechene who was killed in the Incident called CHAPPAQUIDDICK Incident which took place at the island Chappaquiddick in Massachussets.

Correction from Manjith, Sorry folks!
Robert lost his presidential bid (1968) coz he was assassinated during the primaries. The chappaquiddick incident happened after Robert's death and led to Ted aborting a possible bid in 1972. Senator swam to safety, but she died and Ted did not even care helping her or letting anyone know.

So the funda is the Chappaquiddick Incident


Anonymous said...

Pic 1 is Ted Kennedy.
I know about an incident where Ted was travelling with a woman in a car and they had an accident. The car fell into the river or smthing..Anywayz Ted survived while she did not , and the incident de-railed his presidential bid. Was called chippawaha incident or some such weird name :) Am guessing thats the woman in picture. Hopefully the Hardy boys book also has the place name in the title.


Anonymous said...

I cracked more than half i reckon!
Except for the name chappaquiddick, i had it nailed :-)
Btw, one bug i'd like to point out:
>>"It was a turning point in his brother, Robert kennedy losing out the presidential bid"

Robert lost his presidential bid (1968) coz he was assassinated during the primaries. The chappaquiddick incident happened after Robert's death and led to Ted aborting a possible bid in 1972.
