Question # 183 - Art Gratia Artis

Add one more person to them and complete a popular work of art .

Max Jacob , Guillaume Apollinaire - Add to them Pablo Picasso and you get the work "Three Musicians " by him !

Three Musicians is a set of two collage and oil paintings by Pablo Picasso, each of which features a harlequin, a peirrot and a monk - who are believed to be Picasso , Guillaume and Max respectively.

Full marks to Captain (thnx! )

Half credits to Vigneshwar, Kamal Rathi and Rithwik( via email)


Vigneshwar said...

max jacob guilaume appolinaire is the third person pablo picasso

Kamal Rathi said...

Max Jacob, Guillaume Apollinaire, 3rd person should be Pablo Picasso and the art in question should be the Mona Lisa.

Chandrakant said...

Picasso - Three Musicians

Nice q , had 2 spend quite some time on it