Question # 89 - Bac 2 Basics

Easy one for the day, Sorry for the stagnancy!

A's most famous work comprised of a poem which was later expanded by B. A said that he got the idea of the work from one of C's works. An Island D , most remembered for D's tactics got its name perhaps from this poem . All of this inspired E to a work of his!

Identify A-E





Dead Man's chest is a sea shant from Robert Louis Stevenson's(A) novel Treasure Island . The poem was later expanded by Young E. Allison(B) . Stevenson got the idea for Dead Man's chest from Charles Kingsley's(C) work At Last: A Christmas in the West Indies.

Dead Chest Island in Deadman's Bay earned its name from a story where the infamous pirate Blackbeard/Edward Thatch (D) left several of his crew on this island with nothing except a bottle of rum as punishment. When the sailors tried to swim off of the deserted island to Peter Island, they perished. The name is also said to have been derived from the shant.

All of this formed the basis of Gore Verbinski's(E) Pirates of the Carribbean trilogy

Well Done Vineesh! Almost cracked by Rithwik

-V I K


Anonymous said...

Robert Louis Stevenson

Stevenson says the novel At Last by Charles Kingsley was also a key inspiration

Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Gore Verbinski directed Pirates of the Caribbean....


Rithu 4 cricket said...

The second one..the man who expanded is Young E. Allison
Other one as i said alraedy


Vineesh said...

A -Robert Louis Stevenson

B - Young Ewing Allison

C - Charles Kingsley

D - Blackbeard

E -Gore Verbinski