Question # 98 - BJK!!

What is this about?

quoting rithwik
'Michael Jackson and two of his costume designers obtained a US patent (US5255452) in 1993 on “Methods and Means for Creating Anti Gravity Illusion”. The invention outlines how a special pair of shoes attaches to a stage to allow leaning forward beyond the centre of gravity of the wearer of the shoes.'

cracked by captain,rithwik,ajay and mandan muthapa..

-V I K


Mandan Muthapa said...

Michael Jackson's patent for "anti-gravity" shoes

Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson and two of his costume designers obtained a US patent (US5255452) in 1993 on “Methods and Means for Creating Anti Gravity Illusion”. The invention outlines how a special pair of shoes attaches to a stage to allow leaning forward beyond the centre of gravity of the wearer of the shoes.


Chandrakant said...

Michael Jackson's Anti-Gravity Shoes

Anonymous said...

michael jackson's patent

--Ajay Parasuraman